This is just a small sampling of the probably more than 100 posts I wrote and concepted for the account. See them in all their glory with captions here:

In honor of the re-release of the fan favorite beer, 1985, we created limited edition spoof Garbage Pail Kids cards that could be collected by commenting on our posts.

These banners promoting 19oz Tall Boys did run, just not on corn hub...

We introduced a new beer Higher Plane by poking fun at karate movie tropes.
Mickey Mouse has a water park. So why not Voodoo Ranger? This also became the inspiration for this prank:
Sometimes you need something stronger than coffee.
A post on 4/20 featuring the hazy boys
We created a parody of Live Strong bracelets, and gave them out to people who commented. Felt like fair game after Lance got cancelled.
When the holiday season came back around, it was time for the Voodoos to do what every great celebrity has done, release a Christmas album.
Everyone from Vanilla Ice to Lil' Jon has a home renovation show. So what if Voodoo Ranger did too?
Juice Force was an obvious nod to the Top Gun movies, so we made a parody of the classic volleyball scene.